LAK 2014
Welcome to Heidelberg, Bienvenidos a Heidelberg, Willkommen in Heidelberg!
Preparation of the next LAK is in full swing. Click here to enter the LAK 2017 website.
The full Abstracts volume can be downloaded here in high quality (pdf, 10 Mb).
A smaller version of the Abstracts volume can be downloded here (pdf, 1.5 Mb).
We cordially invite you to the 23rd Latin American Colloquium LAK 2014, which will take place March, 25 to 27, 2014, in Heidelberg, Germany. Subsequently, GOAL activities will take place from March, 27 (afternoon) to 29.
We intend to bring together researchers from all fields of earth sciences and present an attractive program on the geological evolution of Central America and the South American continent and its margins, processes of mountain building, uplift and erosion as well as interaction between tectonic and climatic parameters. We also invite contributions from related topics such as palaeontology, natural resources, geo-hazards and economic geology.
The name of Heidelberg stands for a unity of history and modernity. Our world-famous castle, the beautiful historic city center and Germany’s oldest university which today is a modern scientific location of international reputation, come along with a lively and varied cultural scene. With its belief in the 'comprehensive university', Heidelberg University has made the leap into the exclusive group of universities which extended their status in the funding line of the German federal and state governments’ Excellence Initiative. This success substantiates the claim of Germany’s oldest university (Ruperto Carola), founded in 1386, to the number one spot it regularly takes in international rankings.
Until 2011 the LAK was organised biannually by a working group of the Germany Research Foundation (DFG, Due to a reorganisation in the structure of the DFG, the continuity was interrupted. This is the reason why after a break of three years, we invite our colleagues once more to a LAK in Heidelberg. The continuance is furthermore guaranteed with the next conference already planned to take place in Münster, Germany, 2016.
We are looking forward to welcoming our colleagues from Latin America and Germany in the University's Institute of Earth Sciences in Heidelberg again.
Wolfgang Stinnesbeck & Christina Ifrim