Field trips to the early Palaeozoic

Avalon and Burin Peninsulas, Newfoundland, Canada

The field trip examines the regional geology and geological evolution of the microcontinent Avalonia of southeastern Newfoundland, Canada. Participants visit selected outcrops to develop an understanding of the palaeoenvironment, palaeontology, palaeoecology and biostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic to Ordovician of this area. Key localities include the Ediacara fauna of Mistaken Point and the GSSP of the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary in Fortune Head. This field trip is financed by third-party funds.

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Scania, Öland und Gotland, Sweden

The field trip examines the evolution of the Baltic Sea basin and Baltica during the Early Palaeozoic. The geology of the islands of Öland and Gotland serve as excellent examples of the developtment of palaeoenvironments in tropical latitudes in this time frame. One special focus lies on the evolution of Early Palaeozoic reef systems and their reaction to changes in the environment. The reef systems are globally renown for their diversity, abundance and preservation of fossils.


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Latest Revision: 2019-10-08
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