
Hydrogeochemistry and Hydrogeology



  • Hells Bells

We here report on a type of meter-sized pendant speleothem growing under water in the submerged El Zapote sinkhole (cenote) west of Puerto Morelos on the Mexican Yucatán Peninsula. These conical, mantle-shaped downward expanding and diverging calcareous structures, here termed as Hells Bells, are yet unreported in the scientific literature.

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  • GeoSpeicher

As part of the joint project, the construction of an ATES-System (Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage) in a spa in the northern Upper Rhine Graben is being scientifically supported with comprehensive preliminary investigations.

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  • Insitu-Mobilisierung von Arsen im Grundwasserleiter

Am Standort Lampertheim-Neuschloss in Hessen wurden durch den Betrieb einer chemischen Fabrik im vorigen Jahrhundert Schadstoffe in den Untergrund eingebracht. Im Rahmen des angewandten Forschungsprojektes der Arbeitsgruppe Hydrogeochemie und Hydrogeologie wurde der Standort umfangreich untersucht und hinsichtlich des Mobilitätsverhaltens von Arsen bewertet (s. abgeschlossene Projekte). Zugleich wurden verschiedene Optionen zum Umgang mit der Altlast diskutiert. Die aktive Mobilisierung von Arsen wurde hierbei als zielführende Methode zur Optimierung der laufenden Pump&Treat-Maßnahme bewertet.

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  • Real Time Measurement of Concentration and δ13C-CH4 in Water

A new, high temporal and spatial resolution, in-situ method for the fast and precise determination of methane (CH4) concentration and its δ13C isotope value (δ13C-CH4) in water was developed. Methane is extracted from water by the application of a vacuum to a membrane gas/liquid exchange module and analysed by a portable cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) analyser (Picarro® G2201-i).

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Former Projects:


  • Depth Reservoir-Analysis and characterisation of the earth surface (TRACE)

Geothermal energy is an eco-friendly energy source and provides base load capable regenerative low-carbon energy. Certainly there are still huge research and development needs to use the vast potential of deep geothermal energy economically. The project is supported by the BMU and limited for three years. Compared to the acquisition of seismic data TRACE is meant to develop a cheap method combination. This relies on natural and geochemical tracers and will be tested in the deep geothermal-projects Groß-Gerau, Heidelberg and Neuenburg/ Südbaden (upper Rhein Graben)

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  • Research on the reactive arsenic transport:

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  • Specification of arsenic in sediments of the north sea:

In order to analyse differences in concentration, speciation and total mobility of arsenic two different locations were studied near the Helgoland Mud Area, North Sea. Main focus of the research are possible differences in concentration, bond form and mobility of arsenic at different locations.

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  • Hydrogeochemical evolution in a Pleistocene porous aquifer influenced by leakage:

At a former industrial site in north-western Germany, the lower Quaternary aquifer was investigated with respect to hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry. The upper aquifer was contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs) from a chemical factory and remediation attempts have been carried out for over 10 years. The hydraulic conditions of both aquifers were characterized with hydraulic head measurements in March 2012.

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  • Geothermometry in Poços de Caldas

Thermal water springs occur at several locations with different geological settings on the earth. The city of Poços de Caldas is located in the north of an alkaline-volcanic complex probably representing a deeply eroded caldera. The magmatic rocks have an age of around 70 Ma. The occurrence of hydrothermal springs reflects the elevated heat-flow in this region (~38 °C/km), which is most likely due to the heat production of radioactive decay of Uranium and Thorium. The magmatic rocks show high concentrations of these elements and were locally exploited (1997 closed Osamu Utsumi uranium mine, Poços de Caldas).

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Latest Revision: 2020-04-21
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