
Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Geowissenschaften

Im Neuenheimer Feld 236
69120 Heidelberg

Tel.: +49 6221 54-8206
Fax: +49 6221 54-4805


Isotopengeologie und Petrologie

Dr. Sonja StormSonja Storm Groß



Institut für Geowissenschaften

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Im Neuenheimer Feld 236

D-69120 Heidelberg

Raum: 413
+49 6221 54-6069
+49 6221 54-4805 (Sekretariat)



Akademische und berufliche Laufbahn

Seit 09/2017 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin; Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg
08/2017 Lehrauftrag: Geologische Exkursion nach Island; Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg
08/2015-07/2017 Technische Angestellte; Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg
Jeden Sommer seit 2015 Trekking-Reiseleiterin auf Island; Wikinger Reisen
2015 Marine Laboratory Specialist; International Ocean Discovery Program, Texas A&M University
2014 Voluntariat; Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional y Observatorio del Volcan Tungurahua, Ecuador
2009 - 2013 Promotion (Ph.D. in Geologie); University of Auckland, Neuseeland
Thema: "Crystallization history of rhyolite magmas at Tarawera volcano, New Zealand, from in-situ 238U-230Th disequilibrium dating and trace element geochemistry of zircon"
2010 - 2011 Lehrassistentin für petrologische Mikroskopierkurse; University of Auckland, Neuseeland
2008 - 2009 Explorations-Geologin; Encounter Resources Limited, Australien
2007 Work & Travel, Australien
2001 - 2006 Studium der Geologie / Paläontologie (Diplom); Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel und Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften (IFM-GEOMAR)
Diplomarbeit: "Genesis of silicic magmas in Iceland: Significance for crustal formation"
2004 Forschungspraktikum; Australian Research Special Centre for Ore Deposit Research (CODES SRC) und Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Tasmania, Australien
2000 - 2001 Sprachkurse in Spanien und Australien; EF International Language Schools



Stipendien / Auszeichnungen

2015 Postgraduate Student Research Award für Anerkennung verdienende Publikation 2014, School of Environment, University of Auckland
2009 - 2012 University of Auckland International Doctoral Scholarship
2010 Bester Vortrag von Studenten, GSNZ Konferenz Auckland



Expeditionen: An Land

2016 Santiaguito Vulkan, Guatemala
2009, 2010 Taupo Vulkanzone, Neuseeland
2005 Heimaey, Island



Expeditionen: Zu See

2015 FS JOIDES Resolution, IODP EXP354, Golf von Bengalen, (Marine Laboratory Specialist)
2006 FS Maria S. Merian MSM03/2, Tropischer Atlantik, (Studentische Hilfskraft)
2005 FS Poseidon POS326, Nordatlantik, (Studentische Hilfskraft)
2004 FS Meteor M62/5, Äquatorialer Atlantik, (Studentische Hilfskraft)



Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen


2018/2019 Winter Semester:

  • Bausteine der Erde (Hauptfach: Mo, 11:15-12:45 Uhr)
  • Bausteine der Erde (Nebenfach: Do, 16:00-17:30 Uhr)
  • Methoden der Petrologie (Block: 11.-15.2.19, 9:00-16:00 Uhr)


Vorträge / Poster


Storm, S., Shane, P., Schmitt, A. K. & Lindsay, J. M.: Evolution of the magma system at Tarawera volcano, New Zealand, from U-Th disequilibrium dating of zircon. IUGG, Melbourne, 03.-07. Jul 2011.


Storm, S., Shane, P., Schmitt, A. K. & Lindsay, J. M.: Contrasting protracted and punctuated zircon growth in two syn-erupted rhyolite magmas from Tarawera volcano: insights to the heterogeneity of crystal mush. (Poster) American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 13.-17. Dez 2010.


Storm, S., Shane, P., Schmitt, A. K. & Lindsay, J. M.: Independent zircon crystallisation histories revealed in syn-erupted rhyolite magmas from the 21.8 ka Okareka eruption episode, New Zealand: Insights to the heterogeneity of crystal mush. Geological Society of New Zealand Konferenz, Auckland, 22.-24. Nov 2010.







Cisneros de León, A., Schmitt, A. K., Storm, S., Weber, B., Schindlbeck-Belo, J. C., Trumbull, R. B., & Juárez, F. (2019). Millennial to decadal magma evolution in an arc volcano from zircon and tephra of the 2016 Santiaguito eruption (Guatemala). Lithos,




Storm, S., Schmitt, A. K., Shane, P., Lindsay, J. M. (2014). Zircon trace element chemistry at sub-micrometer resolution for Tarawera volcano, New Zealand, and implications for rhyolite magma evolution. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 167 (4), 1-19.




Portnyagin, M., Hoernle, K., Storm, S., Mironov, N., van den Bogaard, C., Botcharnikov, R. (2012). H2O-rich melt inclusions in fayalitic olivine from Hekla volcano: Implications for phase relationships in silicic systems and driving forces of explosive volcanism on Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 357-358, 337-346.


Danišík, M., Shane, P., Schmitt, A.K., Hogg, A., Santos, G.M., Storm, S., Evans, N.J., Fifield, K.L., Lindsay, J.M. (2012). Re-anchoring the late Pleistocene tephrochronology of New Zealand based on concordant radiocarbon ages and combined 238U/230Th disequilibrium and (U-Th)/He zircon ages. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 349-350, 240-250.


Shane, P., Storm, S., Schmitt, A.K. and Lindsay, J.M. (2012). Timing and conditions of formation of granitoid clasts erupted in recent pyroclastic deposits from Tarawera Volcano (New Zealand). Lithos 140-141, 1-10.


Storm, S., Shane, P., Schmitt, A. K. & Lindsay, J. M. (2012). Decoupled crystallization and eruption histories of the rhyolite magmatic system at Tarawera volcano revealed by zircon ages and growth rates. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163, 505-519.




Storm, S., Shane, P., Schmitt, A. K. & Lindsay, J. M. (2011). Contrasting punctuated zircon growth in two syn-erupted rhyolite magmas from Tarawera volcano: Insights to crystal diversity in magmatic systems. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 301, 511-520.


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