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Programme description
The 7th German-Brazilian Symposium is scheduled from Sunday, 04.10.2015 until Saturday 10.10.2015.
The symposium is structured into four days of parallel sessions, talks, discussions, and poster sessions, and one day of guided field trips. Each day starts at 8:30 a.m. and will be finished at 06.00 p.m. Two coffee breaks and one lunch break structure the day and give room for further discussions and networking.
Sunday, 04.10.2015:
The symposium will start with overall greetings and a panel discussion (Table 1). Prior all participants and lecturers will receive their symposium program, nametags, and further information at the welcome desk in the building of “Neue Universität” (ground floor).
Opening Remarks: Information will be provided by separate programme.
Panel Discussion: “Sustainable Development in Education – Education in Sustainable Development”
Chair: Ulrike Sosalla, “Südwestpresse” Ulm
Invited speakers as scheduled: Professor Doutor H. J. C. Voorwald (Secretário de Estado da Educação) Education Minister of the State São Paulo, Minister T. Bauer (Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst) of the State Baden-Württemberg, Dr. C. Dahl Director of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Rektor Prof. Dr. B. Eitel, Heidelberg University, Prof. Dr. A. Siegmund, Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg.
The panel discussion will focus on the different ways of future sustainable development of Education. Following formal Greetings, invited talks will guide into the theme and describe the action of Baden-Württemberg and the State São Paulo. Furthermore, different speakers will provide the view of the Heidelberg University, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung and other organizations.
Monday, 05.10.2015 – Thursday, 08.10.2015; 8.30 AM - 6 PM, New University:
Session 01: “Sustainable Development in Education and Society”
Convener: Prof. Dr. A. Siegmund (University of Education Heidelberg, Germany) + Dr. N. Vollweiler (Heidelberg University, Germany) + Prof. Dr. S. Nobre (UNESP, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. Sérgio Nobre (UNESP, Brazil): On the Sustainability of a University Campus: a case of the UNESP Rio Claro’s Campus in Brazil.
- Prof. Dr. Gerd Michelsen (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Charles Hopkins (York University, Canada): ESD an Teacher Education: learning our way to a more sustainable future.
The negative consequences of non-sustainable development around the world become more and more clear: Climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity, poverty, economic disparities, are only a few examples of challenges. To counter this trend in the future, the current UN Decade “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)" will be transferred in a world program for sustainability and ESD by the end of 2014. The aim is to further stimulate the overall societal discourse, to stabilize the existing activities in the area of ESD and to transfer project-orientated approaches in permanent structures and institutional settings.
Key areas of action should in particular include the
- creation of an environment for tight integration of ESD into national and international education and development policy
- promotion of holistic institutional ESD approaches in educational institutions
- training of teachers, coaches, instructors, educators and other "change agents" in ESD skills
- support of young people as important agents of change
- intensification of ESD activities in local educational settings.
On this background, both best-practice examples of the implementation of ESD as well as conceptual approaches will be presented and discussed at the session “Sustainable Development in Education and Society”. We invite stakeholders from government ministries and agencies, NGOs, universities and the academic and non-formal education to submit proposals for presentations and posters.
Session 02: “Palaeoclimate, Climate Change”
Convener: Dr. B. Mächtle (Heidelberg University, Germany) + Prof. Dr. André Jasper (UNIVATES, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. André Jasper (UNIVATES, Brazil): The Gondwanan Late Paleozoic icehouse/greenhouse cycle: a palaeobotanical approach to understand actual and future climate change.
- Prof. Dr. Tong Jiang (China Meterological Administration, National Climate Centre, China): Recent Climate in China
- Prof. Dr. Marcelo Leppe (Insituto Antártico Chileno, Chile): Antartica: a natural laboratory and a change sensor.
The talks will provide insight into the process of climate evolution from the past to the present and describe causes for the recent climate change. In addition, all talks should provide hints on the possibilities to sustainably deal with the climate change. Key examples from the past to the present will be shown.
Session 03: “Water, Ocean”
Convener: Prof. Dr. J. W. Metzger, Prof. Dr. U. Menzel, Dr. D. Neuffer (Universität Stuttgart, Germany); Prof. Dr. M. Casagrande Lass Erbe (UFPR, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. Margarete Casagrande Lass Erbe (UFPR, Brazil): Medical waste: why is it so dangerous?
- Dr. Qingjun Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Resources Research, China): Water pollution
Freshwater is a resource supplied by natural environment and is used intensively by human activities. Aquatic ecosystems accommodate a large biodiversity and are important to build up biomass as a base for alimentation of other species and finally for humankind. According to the UN-General Assembly for Human Rights people are entitled to water and sanitation. Based on the considerations mentioned above, a reliable water treatment and distribution as well as a secure wastewater draw-off and treatment before discharging it to the water body are inevitable. The talks/posters describe water resources, their use by human activities and provide information of sustainable use in the future. Furthermore, this session accepts also papers on all aspects related to sustainability of water supply and handling wastewater.
Convener: Prof. Dr. M. Zimmer (ZMT, Germany); Prof. Dr. P. Hackspacher (UNESP, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. Frederico Brandini (USP, Brazil): The potential of Southern Brazilian cintinental shelf for offshore cultivation of molluscs.
- Prof. Dr Roberto Ventura Santos (UNB, Brazil): Ocean and water pollution in Brazil
- Prof. Dr. M. Zimmer (ZMT, Germany)
Oceans are resources, supplied by the natural environment and are used intensively by the human siociety. The rising awareness in Brazil of more than 8.000 m of coast combined with the latest findings of giant Oil and Gas deposits seeks for a sustainable development. Germany on the other hand is using the Ocean resources and has developed research programs, such as Future Oceans, that are concerned with the sustainable use of Oceans. The talks should describe the Ocean resources, their use in human societies, and provide information on the sustainable use in the future.
Session 04: “Energy, Minerals, Ore deposits, Mining”
Convener: N.N.,; Prof. Dr. K. Madruga (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. K. Madruga (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil): Industrial energy efficiency management in Brazil: public policies, regulations standards and actors
- Dr. Carsten Tschamber (Solar Cluster Baden Württemberg e.V., Germany): Photovoltaics in Brazil - Feasibility of Vertically Integrated Module Production
Minerals - Ore Deposits - Mining:
Convener: Prof. Dr. M. Hiete (Center for Environmental Research, University Kassel); Prof. Dr. B. G. Peregovich (UFOPA - IEG, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard G. Peregovich (UFOPA - IEG, Brazil): Gold and Diamond mining in the Amazon Rain Forest - Ecologic, Economic, Social and Environmental Challenges
Energy and Minerals are resources supplied by the natural environment and are used intensively by the human society. The need for elements and metals and the shortness of some of important elements (e.G. Rare Earth Elements) shed a light of the sustainable development of natural mineral resources. In addition, all societies provide financial support for research in the field of sustainable generation and use of energy. This research is driven by the future shortness in Oil deposits; the CO2 generation by using conventional energy sources, and the rising awareness in the human societies that radioactive decay takes a very long time to produce safe nuclear waste. The talks should describe these resources, their use in human societies and provide information on the sustainable use in the future. If possible all talks should include a short historical overview.
Session 05: “Biodiversity”
Convener: Prof. Dr. M. Koch (Heidelberg University, Germany); Prof. Dr. L. I. Foncesca (USP, Brazil); Prof. Dr. W. Vale (UFOPA, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. Vera Lúcia Imperatriz Fonseca (USP, Brazil): What is next for sustainable use and conservation of ecosystem services in Brazil?
- Andreas Mayer (Kärcher, Head of Sustainability Manager, Germany): Winnenden site landscaped close to nature
- Prof. Dr. W. Vale (UFOPA, Brazil): Cattle in the Brazilian amazon: the importance of a systemic view
The change in biodiversity is an evolutionary process of life on planet Earth. Key examples from the past to the present will be shown. It is also expected that the causes for changes will be provided.
Session 06: “Bioeconomy”
Convener: Prof. Dr. Hirth, (Fraunhofer IGB, Stuttgart); Prof. Dr. Ing. R. Schaldach (Center for Environmental Research, University Kassel); Prof. Dr. C. Aragão (UFRJ)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. C. Aragão (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Prof. Dr. L. Schebek (TU Darmstadt): Biofuels and Land Use Change: Mitigation options from Regional “Good Governance"
The following description of Bioeconomy is provided by the European Commission in the field of Research and Innovation at Horizon 2020 (
"Bioeconomy encompasses the sustainable production of renewable resources from land, fisheries and aquaculture environments and their conversion into food, feed, fibre, bio-based products and bio-energy as well as the related public goods. The Bioeconomy includes primary production, such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, and industries using/processing biological resources, such as the food and pulp and paper industries and parts of the chemical, biotechnological and energy industries."
The session seeks for presentations that combine sustainable production of renewable resources and their industrial using/processing.
Session 07: “Law”
Convener: Prof. Dr. W. Kahl (Heidelberg University, Germany) + Prof. Dr. J. R. Morato Leite (UFSC, IDPV, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Dr. José Rubens Morato Leite (UFSC, IDPV, Brazil): Constitutional environmental law in Brazil: Jurisprudence in National High Court (STJ)
- Prof. Dr. Ute Mager (Institut für deutsches und europäisches Verwaltungsrecht, University Heidelberg, Germany): Sustainability in Water Law
Money and Law are most effective means to reach political goals. The question is how these means are used and if they can be used in a better way to forward sustainable development. To answer this question a comparison between the approaches of different legal systems shall take place. Special attention may be given to the use and usefulness of financial instruments like subsidies (for example to promote wind and solar energy as in Germany) or market mechanism (for example emission trading system, water market). The theme invites for contributions on all parts of environmental law encompassing climate, air, water, soil, nature and landscape protection. The focus is on the impact of stirring instruments.
Session 08: “Economy”
Convener: Marcio Weichert (DWIH, São Paulo, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Marcio Weichert (DWIH, São Paulo, Brazil): Fruitful sustainable exchange between Science and Economy, a key issue of the German House (DWIH)
- Prof. Dr. Sita Vanka (University of Hyderabad, India): Sustaining Business among Women in Developing Societies - the Indian Experience
- Prof. Dr. Anthony SF Chiu (De La Salle University, Industrial System Engineering, Philippines): Eco-industrial development in Asian industrial estates
The session seeks for contributions that cover the sustainability in economy in the sense of the description of the business dictionary (
“The use of various strategies for employing existing resources optimally so that a responsible and beneficial balance can be achieved over the longer term. Within a business context, economic sustainability involves using the assorted assets of the company efficiently to allow it to continue functioning profitability over time”. Sustainable Economy is often called New Economy. Another description is provided by the web page “The goal of community sustainability is to establish local economies that are economically viable, environmentally sound and socially responsible. Achieving this goal requires participation from all sectors of the community, both to determine community needs and to identify and implement innovative and appropriate solutions. This section presents information from a variety of sources on approaches and techniques used successfully in different communities to develop key aspects of their local economies on a sustainable basis”.
Session 09: “Politics, Social Action”
Convener: Prof. Dr. J. Tosun (Heidelberg University, Germany) + Prof. Dr. M. Vieira Lisboa (PUCSP, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Prof. Marijane Vieira Lisboa (PUCSP, Brazil): Social conflicts over environment: indigenous peoples, traditional populations and developmentalist policies in Brazil.
- Prof. Jiang Feng Li (China University of Geosciences, Institute of Public Administration, Wuhan, China): Urbanization and the Risk of Flooding
How do political actors address the issue of sustainable development? What is the role of supranational and international actors in sustainability politics? These are two exemplary questions, which will be addressed in this session.
Session 10: “Agriculture, Forestry”
Convener: Prof. Dr. A. Petkau (Hochschule Rottenburg); M. Vohrer (The Gold Standard Foundation, Freiburg); Prof. Dr. Afonso Figuerido Filho (UNICENTRO, BRAZIL); Ing. M. del Carmen Álvarez Enciso (Paraguay)
Keynote Speaker:
- Afonso Figueiredo Filho and Carlos Nauiack (UNICENTRO, Brazil): Forest utilization by private forest owners in Paraná
- Anderson Serra (UFP, Brazil): Small-scale farming in the Amazon: a dead-end road or the way ahead for sustainable development.
- Moriz Vohrer (The Gold Standard Foundation): Carbon Markets – How can forestry benefit from it?
Bridging examples from the fields of agriculture and forestry provide information on issues already established and studied by research projects of sustainable interaction between natural resources and processes and demands of human societies. The talks shall provide information on analytical tools that help to retrieve necessary information for decision makers that have to implant managing systems, define economic behaviours and formulate and change necessary judicial systems to initiate and provide the legal base for sustainable development.
Session 11: “Global Geoparks and UNESCO World Heritage Sites”
Convener: Dr. M.-L. Frey (UNESCO Welterbe Messel gGmbH) + Dr. J. Weber (Geo-Naturpark Bergstraße-Odenwald)
Keynote Speaker:
- Dr. Margarete Patzak (UNESCO, France): Global Geoparks - looking towards the future.
- Prof. Dr. Jiangfeng Li (China University of Wuhan, China): Geotourism and the Sustainable Exploitation of the Chinese Geoparks: A case study of Jingpohu Global geopark, China.
During the last decade, the Global Geoparks Network, which currently consists of 111 territories in 32 contries worldwide, has developed a wide range of tools towards sustainable regeional development, geo-education, regional and international networking, science transfer, and conservation strategies. Their holistic approach, which includes the connection of Earth history, nature, man an d culture, enables innovative development of territories and supports their regional identity, indcluding their past, present and future. In this context, UNESCO WOrld Heritage Sites (UNESCO WHS) and Global Geoparks are potential partners with respect to sustainable development, public awaraeness and protection of our natural and cultural heritage. UNESCO WHS Messel Pit and Global Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald (Germany) have developed a close cooperation strategy, including common projects, public relations, education programs and products, which is considered as best practise model for WHS-Geopark cooperation at UNESCO. We expect contributions from Global Geoparks as well as from UNESCO WHS cooperating with sustainable institutions like Geoparks.
Session 12: “Cities of the Future - Megacities – Urban Areas”
Cities of the future - Megacities:
Convener: N.N. (Germany); N.N. (Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Bernd Eisenberg: Adapting Strategies for Integrated Urban Planning - Challenges and Limitations
Urban Areas:
Convener: Prof. Dr. Ing. B. Eisenberg (University Stuttgart); Prof. Dr. P. R. Mesquita Pelegrino (Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
Examples from the fields of Cities of the future, Megacities, and Urban Cities shall provide information on issues already established and studied by research projects of sustainable interaction between natural resources and processes and demands of human societies. In addition, we seek for presentations related to the sustainable future of Cities, Megacities, and Urban areas. The talks shall provide information on analytical tools that help to retrieve necessary information for decision makers that have to implant managing systems, define economic behaviours and formulate and change necessary judicial systems to initiate and provide the legal base for sustainable development.
Session 13: “Infectious Diseases in Urban Environments”
Convener: Dr. T. Jänisch (Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany) + Dr. E. Marques (FIOCRUZ Pernambuco, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Dr. Ernesto T. Marques (FIOCRUZ-Pernambuco, Ricife, Brazil)
- Dr. Pedro F. C. Vasconcelos (Insituto Evandro Chagas, SVS/Ministry of Health)
Dengue is causing a pandemic of unprecedented extent. With an estimated 2.5–4 billion people at risk in 126 countries (>40% of the global population), dengue is the most important mosquito-borne disease worldwide and is present on all continents. Large-scale unplanned urbanization in the southern hemisphere has created favourable breeding conditions for the Aedes mosquito vectors of dengue. Increased mobility of people and goods lead to frequent introductions of potentially viraemic travelers in uninfected regions and have helped to disperse the mosquito vector to previously uninfested locations.
Two large dengue projects, funded by the European Union, were coordinated in direct sequence by Thomas Jaenisch at Heidelberg University Hospital. The partners of the current IDAMS consortium (International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management, and Surveillance) include WHO, Oxford University, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the Red Cross Climate Centre, and twelve partners in disease-endemic countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. In Brazil, the partners are FIOCRUZ (Pernambuco & Rio de Janeiro) and the State University of Ceara (Fortaleza). The research efforts within the consortium include clinical observational studies, virology and immunology, surveillance, and the prediction of outbreaks. Brazil is currently reporting more dengue cases to the WHO than any other country – in 2012 close to 500.000 cases.
The session will concentrate on the determinants of dengue in urban environments in Brazil as a case study for interdisciplinary research.
Session 14: Sustainability of German-Brazilian projects/cooperation/joint ventures
Convener: Dr. M. Schulze (DAAD, Director of the regional Office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Keynote Speaker:
- Dr. M. Schulze (DAAD, Director of the regional Office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Overbeck (Universidade Federal dor Ro Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Brazilian-German projects, cooperation, and joint ventures are various and cover nearly all fields of human action. Some projects are more successful and have more impact than others. The questions to be asked and (hopefully) to be answered in the section are: What are the necessary conditions to make German-Brazilian cooperation projects sustainable? Are there specific drivers that make the difference? Within this session we seek for contributions from all academic fields, best practices as well as failure analysis. The outcome of the section should be a list of essential sustainability criteria for future German-Brazilian projects, cooperation, and joint ventures.
Monday, 05.10.2015:
This evening is kept for personal “Get-Together” in the town of Heidelberg. If larger groups wish to be together in a restaurant the conference secretary can organize tables in various restaurants. This has to be done early in advance, as Heidelberg is a very touristic town.
Tuesday, 06.10.2015; Old Aula, 7 pm:
Introduction: Vice-Rector for research and Structure Prof. Dr. Stephen K. Hasmi (Heidelberg University)
Public Lecture: ATTO, a Giant tower for Climate Research in the AMAZON: The adventure of planning, construction and use.
Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Kesselmeier (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany)
For further informations see: Public lecture website
Wednesday, 07. 10. 2015: Evening boat trip; 7 PM
For further informations please visit: Solar-powered boat trip
Thursday, 08. 10. 2015: Final Event; New Aula 6 PM
Closing remarks:
- Fair well addresses (Rector Prof. Dr. B. Eitel, Heidelberg University, invited persons, Prof. Dr. S. Laufer, Brasilien-Zentrum, Tübingen University, representative of Baden-Württemberg International, Stuttgart)
- Conclusion and outlook: (Prof. Dr. U A. Glasmacher, Heidelberg University)
Final Event: Sustainability in Art and Culture
Chair: J. Kärcher, speaker of the German-Brazilian Society e.V., District Baden-Württemberg
- Welcome and introduction into the programme by J. Kärcher
- Dr. Martina Merklinger: Art and Culture in the German-Brazilian context
- Musically accompanied by ENCANTO - Brazilian choir, Stuttgart, directed by Cristina Marques
- Literary accompanied by texts from historical travel reports
- Short introduction to the three Exhibitions
Three Exhibitions: 05. 10. 2015 – 08. 10. 2015; 8.30 AM – 6 PM, New University
Three exhibitions provide the cultural aspect of the symposium. These exhibitions will be presented in rooms of the New University and external locations. The exhibitions will be open during the whole Symposium.
- MINHASP – My São Paulo – a photo exhibition on the symposium theme “Cities of the Future - Megacities – Urban Areas”, with photos of Britta Radike and Iatã Cannabrava, edited by Ronald Grätz, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IfA)
- A contemporary of Darwin – Fritz Müller reports from Brazil's tropical forest - an exhibition about the German naturalist in Brazil, who carried out his research on behalf of the Brazilian National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (1876-1884) in supporting the evolutionary theory of Darwin.
- Brazilian artists in Germany: Art exhibition (in external locations)
Friday, 09. 10. 2015: Guided Field Trips
Human and natural examples of sustainable development.
For further informations please visit: Guided field trips website
Table 1: Program of the Symposium